BellaTECH Nation Group Chat

Step into the vibrant community of the BellaTECH Nation, an inclusive social group open to all in the Second Life Metaverse! Here, we extend a warm invitation for you to join, connect, make friends, and become an integral part of our dynamic community. As a member, you’ll not only be in the know about our latest events but will also receive exclusive invites to thrilling parties, participate in exciting contests, and enjoy entertaining game nights, among other engaging activities.

Our community is thriving with over 9,000 members, fostering a lively atmosphere where everyone can share in the joy of being part of something special. We firmly believe in spreading happiness, and one of the ways we express our appreciation is by offering dozens of gifts made available through our events every month. These gifts are a tangible token of our gratitude for the vibrant energy and enthusiasm our fantastic members bring to the BellaTECH Nation.

Before joining, we kindly ask you to take a moment to read through our chat rules below. This ensures that our community remains a welcoming and enjoyable space for everyone. We’re excited to welcome you to the BellaTECH Nation, where camaraderie, fun, and connection await!

Chat Rules

Welcome to the BellaTECH community! To make sure everyone has a great time, we’ve got a few simple rules:

  1. Be Kind: Treat everyone with respect—no bullying, threats, or insults. Let’s keep things positive and friendly!
  2. No Negativity: This group is all about good vibes. If you have an issue, talk it out with the person involved. We’re here for positive connections.
  3. No Self-Promotion: Keep the focus on BellaTECH. Please don’t share links to other events, groups, or stores (unless your store is in downtown Bella Pointe, then you may). If you have something to share, chat with Starlet Whimsy first.

If you ever need help or want to report something, our friendly Moderators are here for you:

Thanks for being part of our community! If you’re ready to join the fun, just CLICK HERE!